5 Ways to Answer the “How Would Your Friends Describe You?” Interview Question

By Shawn T

September 28, 2022

interview questions, interview tips

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

When you're applying for a new job, you may be asked the question "How would your friends describe you?" This can be a difficult question to answer, but it's important to give it some thought. Your answer can say a lot about your personality and how you work with others. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 ways to answer this question and showcase your best qualities!

The Importance of Personal Traits

Why Personal Traits Matter

Personal traits are the characteristics that define us as individuals. They shape our behavior, attitudes, and interactions with others. Understanding and embracing our unique qualities can not only improve our self-awareness but also help us build better relationships with others.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is the key to uncovering our personal traits. By examining our past experiences, reactions, and relationships, we can gain insights into who we are and how we are perceived by others. This introspection can lead to personal growth and the development of a strong sense of self.

How to Answer "How Would Your Friends Describe You?"

1. Think About Your Closest Friends

Begin by considering the people who know you best. What qualities do they appreciate in you? Are there any common themes in your relationships? These insights will help you understand how your friends perceive you.

2. Identify Your Strengths

List your strengths, whether they're skills, talents, or personality traits. Think about how these strengths have positively impacted your friendships and how your friends might describe them.

3. Choose Three to Five Traits

Narrow down your list to three to five traits that best represent you. This will make it easier to communicate your qualities effectively.

4. Use Real-Life Examples

Provide examples of how you've demonstrated these traits in your friendships. This will make your answer more relatable and engaging.

5. Be Honest and Authentic

Avoid exaggerating or downplaying your traits. Instead, be genuine and honest about who you are and how your friends perceive you.

Traits That Define Us: Examples and Explanations

1. Trustworthiness

Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. A trustworthy friend is someone who keeps their promises, is honest, and always has their friend's best interests at heart.

2. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. An empathetic friend can offer a listening ear, provide support during tough times, and celebrate successes together.

3. Adaptability

Adaptable friends can easily adjust to new situations, people, and environments. They're open to change and can help their friends navigate through life's ups and downs.

4. Optimism

An optimistic friend brings a positive outlook to any situation. They're able to see the bright side and encourage their friends to stay hopeful and resilient.

5. Loyalty

Loyal friends stand by each other through thick and thin. They're dependable, supportive, and always have their friend's back.

Why Do Interviewers Ask the Question "How would your friends describe you?"

The interviewer wants to know how you would describe yourself, and they want to know how your friends would describe you. This question can be difficult to answer, but it's important to give a good response.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your answer shines:

1. Ask your friends how they would describe you. This will give you some good insight into what words your friends would use to describe you.

2. Use adjectives that reflect your strengths. When answering this question, try to use adjectives that reflect the qualities that make you great at your job. For example, if you're a great problem solver, you might say "resourceful" or "innovative."

3. Stay away from negative adjectives. It's important to stay away from negative adjectives when describing yourself. For example, if you're shy, don't say "shy." Instead, say "reserved."

4. Be truthful. Don't try to put on a persona for the interviewer. Be honest about who you are and what your friends would say about you.

5. Practice what you're going to say beforehand. This question can be difficult to answer off the cuff, so it's a good idea to practice what you're going to say before the interview.

5 Ways to Answer the "How Would Your Friends Describe You Interview Question?"

1) "I'm a great listener." 

When you're able to listen to your friends and really hear what they're saying, it shows that you care about them and their problems. It also shows that you're open-minded and willing to engage in conversations. Listening is a great way to build strong relationships with others.

2) "I'm always there for my friends." 

This shows that you are reliable and someone people can count on. When your friends know they can rely on you, they will be more likely to turn to you in times of need. They will also appreciate your support when things are going well!

3) "I'm funny." 

Humor is a great way to make people feel comfortable around you. If you can make your friends laugh, they will enjoy spending time with you. Humor can also lighten the mood during difficult conversations or times.

4) "I'm honest." 

Friends appreciate honesty because it shows that you respect them enough to tell them the truth. Being honest also build trust between friends. Your friends will know that they can rely on you for truthful advice or feedback.

5) "I'm supportive." 

Supportive friends are there for their loved ones during both the good and bad times. They offer encouragement and understanding when needed. If your friend is going through a tough time, they will know that they can count on you for support. 

When answering the question "How would your friends describe you?", it's important to choose qualities that show you in a positive light. The 5 qualities listed above are all qualities that employers value in employees. So, not only will answering with these qualities help you land the job, but it will also help you succeed and grow in your career!


  1. What if my friends have different opinions about my traits?

It's normal for people to perceive you differently based on their own experiences with you. Focus on the traits that consistently emerge across your friendships, and consider those your core traits.

  1. How can I improve my self-awareness to better understand my personal traits?

Journaling, meditation, and seeking feedback from friends and loved ones can help you gain insights into your own behavior, emotions, and traits. Regular self-reflection will improve your self-awareness over time.

  1. What if I don't like the traits my friends associate with me?

It's essential to recognize that nobody is perfect, and we all have areas to improve. If you're unhappy with certain traits, work on personal growth and self-improvement to develop the qualities you desire.

  1. How can I leverage my personal traits for professional success?

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you make better career choices, excel in job interviews, and foster stronger working relationships with colleagues. Emphasize your positive traits in professional settings to boost your career growth.

  1. Can personal traits change over time?

Yes, personal traits can evolve as we grow and experience new situations. Embrace the opportunity to learn and develop throughout your life, and you may find your traits evolving along with you.